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    TypeScript, Vite, React, Redux, CSS

    From course planning to checking out grade distributions and viewing enrollement trends, is a popular student-run academic planning website used by thousands of UC Berkeley students each semester. The project is maintained by student volunteers who want to help keep Berkeleytime alive.

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    Project SIXT33N
    NumPy, Jupyter Notebook, Arduino, Machine Learning

    SIXT33N is a voice-controlled robot car that can recognize 4 different voice commands. It can move forward, left or right based on those commands. It uses a microphone front end circuit integrated with processing integration and PCA classification through an Arduino. Controls were implemented by gathering open loop parameters and deriving a method to set desired eigenvalues that allow the car to automatically correct itself to drive straight and turn. This project taught me more about machine learning and hardware (I spent a lot of time debugging circuits).

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    Scheme Interpreter

    Built a Scheme interpreter using Python's REPL (read, evaluate, print, loop) method to parse user input. Lexical analysis and syntactical analysis functions parse Scheme tokens into the interpreter's internal Python representation of Scheme expressions. The expression is then evaluated with a mutually recursive eval-apply loop. The __str__ representation of the obtained value is then printed.

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    Keep Our Library Open Campaign
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Built a static website to support & spread awareness for the community-led movement fighting against the closure of our local library.

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    Swift, SwiftUI, Xcode

    A Swift project which allows UC Berkeley students to plan their course schedules and calculate their GPA. Firebase is used for user authentication and data management.

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    Typescript, Next.js, MUI, Docker, Nginx

    This is site you're on right now! My personal website uses Typescript with Next.js 13 and MUI. Docker is used to run the Next.js app and Nginx in separate containers with Docker Compose. Nginx serves as a reverse-proxy in front of the Next.js app and is also used to cache all the static assets; it passes all requests to the Next.js app's container. As of now, this project is deployed using an Ubuntu server on a DigitalOcean droplet (though I'm considering other options).